Altri Sport
NEWS - Riparte la Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, la gara di canottaggio più dura al mondo
12.12.2018 18:04 di Napoli Magazine

Riparte la Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge,


la gara di canottaggio più dura al mondo.


88 spiriti audaci (di cui uno di origini italiane)


 attraversano l’Oceano Atlantico


mettendo a dura prova i limiti della resistenza umana


E’ partita oggi la nuova edizione della Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, la gara di canottaggio più dura al mondo. 23 equipaggi e 5 vogatori in solitaria provenienti da 12 paesi sono partiti da La Gomera, nelle isole Canarie, alla volta di Antigua, su una rotta di oltre 3.000 miglia in mezzo all’Oceano che cambierà per sempre le loro vite, mettendoli a dura prova nel superare i propri limiti e vincere la forza degli elementi. I team affronteranno la traversata più dura del mondo, imbarcandosi in un viaggio alla scoperta di se stessi e della libertà, dove il coraggio e lo spirito di adattamento saranno indispensabili.


Una sfida anche per gli animi più coraggiosi e indomiti la Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, che richiama persone dai più disparati ambiti professionali e sociali (i vogatori non sono atleti professionisti) spingendole a esplorare la loro passione per l’ignoto e intraprendere una delle sfide più difficili in mezzo all’Oceano. Tutti i concorrenti dei 28 team, uomini e donne, daranno il massimo per entrare nella storia della competizione, tentando di seguire le orme dei Four Oarsmen, vincitori dell’edizione 2017 e attuali detentori del World Record con un incredibile tempo di 29 giorni di traversata.


Una competizione certo, con se stessi in primis e gli elementi, ma anche e soprattutto un’impresa benefica. Ogni team infatti partecipa facendosi portavoce e raccogliendo fondi per diversi istituti e cause sociali e ambientali. Tra i team partecipanti troviamo i Row for the Ocean, che stanno raccogliendo fondi per rendere la città di Exeter la prima città plastic-free del Regno Unito, riducendo fortemente il consumo di plastica monouso; una coppia danese, il team Wolfpack, sono invece due amici che hanno deciso di sfuggire alla monotonia della routine urbana, e che trasmetteranno in streaming la propria traversata; sarà presente anche il migliore team femminile di Antigua, le Antigua Island Girls; troviamo alla partenza anche The Blue Rower, che gareggerà in solitaria, sperando di essere il primo neozelandese di sempre ad attraversare l’Oceano Atlantico; e gli Oar Inspiring, dal Regno Unito, amici di una vita pronti ad affrontare l’oceano nella più difficile delle sfide, scambiando per l’occasione gli strumenti di lavoro quotidiani con remi e bussola.


Lungo le 3.000 miglia di traversata nell’Oceano Atlantico i concorrenti sfideranno tutte le insidie che il mare può offrire, passando da calamità come tempeste tropicali e onde di 12 metri al caldo più asfissiante: questo mare sarà la loro casa per almeno 30-90 giorni. La gara di quest’anno vede per la prima volta la partecipazione di un team composto da cinque persone, ma non mancheranno coppie, team da tre o quattro e persino concorrenti in solitaria, provenienti da ogni parte del globo.


 “Quest’anno la gara sarà più avvincente che mai, con un numero ancora maggiore di team e rematori ai nastri di partenza. Si tratta davvero di una competizione unica nel suo genere, una sfida che richiede disciplina, un duro allenamento e una lunghissima preparazione, ma chi partecipa è ripagato con un’esperienza che non scorderà mai. Per i rematori è un qualcosa di estremamente stimolante, un’avventura che arricchisce le loro vite e ci meravigliamo anno dopo anno nel vedere gli incredibili risultati dei team, non possiamo che sentirci privilegiati nel prender parte al loro viaggio.”, ha dichiarato Carsten Heron Olsen, CEO of race organiser Atlantic Campaigns.


Lisa Everingham, Global Talisker Marketing Manager, commenta: “La Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge è il posto giusto per quelli che definiamo Wild Spirits. Si tratta di sostenere e rivivere la passione e la connessione fortissima con gli elementi, un legame che Talisker condivide con queste persone fantastiche. Questa gara è davvero unica, spinge i partecipanti a spogliarsi delle vesti della vita frenetica di tutti i giorni, per riabbracciare la natura e riscoprire ciò che più conta. Siamo davvero elettrizzati e non vediamo l’ora di testimoniare i loro cambiamenti durante questo viaggio.”


La Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge è un’esperienza unica, che riesce a cambiare la vita delle persone che ne prendono parte. Alcuni dati significativi:

Distanza: 3,000 miglia dalle coste de La Gomera, Isole Canarie, attraverso l’Oceano Atlantico sino a English Harbour, Antigua

Numero di team: 28, con 88 rematori totali

Nazioni partecipanti: Regno Unito, Stati Uniti, Francia, Sud Africa, Olanda, Danimarca, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Belgio, Bermuda & Antigua

Consumo calorico: 8,000 al giorno, perdita del 20% del peso corporeo durante la gara

Motivazioni: Ogni team raccoglierà i fondi da donare a favore di una causa, che li spronerà a proseguire l’avventura di una vita.   


Per seguire il viaggio dei concorrenti potete visitare il: a la pagina Facebook @atlanticcampaigns Facebook per aggiornamenti in tempo reale.







THE BLUE ROWER – NEW ZEALAND – ISAAC GIESEN (26). Isaac is looking to be the first New Zealander to row across the Atlantic as a soloist, and to be the first person to row the Atlantic twice in one year. He is rowing for Black Dog, Brave Hearts, and Victim Support.


ROW TO RAISE – GB – KELDA WOOD (45). This inspiring former Paralympian is continuing her action-packed life by taking on another adventure to add to her list of accomplishments. She is rowing for Climbing Out, a charity she set up herself after her own life changing injury.


DIFFERENT WORLDS – AUSTRALIA – MICHELLE LEE (46). She is looking to break the current record of the fastest female soloist to row the Atlantic, to add to her list of rowing World Records that she already holds.



THE WILD OARSMAN – AUSTRIA/ITALY/GB – LUKAS HAITZMANN (18). This young adventurer is no stranger to endurance races, and is looking to set new race and world records despite his young age.


TAME THE KRAKEN – USA – TIM CROCKETT (47). Soloist Tim is passionate about raising money and awareness for those suffering or effected by mental health issues. He is rowing for Give an Hour and Combat Stress.




WOLFPACK – DENMARK – LASSE HANSEN (31), MADS VANGSO (47). The dynamic duo and fitness enthusiasts are adding another adventure to their list as they attempt the Atlantic row. They are rowing for Unicef.


WHALE OF A TIME – GB – LAUREN WOODWISS (29) JEMMA RIX (29). The duo is aiming to break the current record for the fastest female pair to row the Atlantic. They are also planning on making as much of their own food for the crossing as possible. They are rowing for FareShare, The Mintridge Foundation and Cancer Research UK.


ATLANTIC ALBATROSS – GB – ELISABETH GILL (43), MARK AGNEW (27). The pair are supported by a class of Elizabeth’s pupils, who are creating all of their campaign assets ahead of the race.  They are rowing for Eikon, The RAF Benevolent Fund, Dyslexia Scotland and Whale and Dolphin Conservation.


GRANDADS ACROSS THE ATLANTIC – GB – NEIL YOUNG (61), PETER KETLEY (62). Ex-military men, the duo have been friends for nearly 40 years having both been in the Parachute regiment together as young men. They are rowing for Dreams come True and are attempting to be the oldest pair to ever cross the Atlantic.


AU LARGE - L’ATLANTIQUE EN SOLIDAIRE – FRANCE – NICOLAS SAINT-BRIS (33), GUILLAUME BARRAGE (27). Having competed in the French University Rowing Championship together, the firm friends are looking to make more memories on this adventure of a lifetime. They are rowing for L'École À L'Hopital.




STATUS ROW – GB/BERMUDA – SUSAN RONALDSON (42), CAROLINE WILSON (32), JESSICA REGO (29). Made up of three women with no prior rowing experience, they are powered by a belief that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and want to break the current record set for the fastest female trio crossing. They are rowing for The Marine Conservation Society.


TRANSATLANTIC TRAFFORDS – GB – HUGO TRAFFORD (22), JAMES TRAFFORD (59), JOE TRAFFORD (18). The team is made up of a father and his two sons who are looking to break a world record upon completing the race.  They are rowing for St Christopher’s Hospice.




ROW FOR THE OCEAN – GB – KIRSTY BARKER (28), KATE SALMON (31), ROSALIND WEST (36), LAURA TRY (36). The team are campaigning to make Exeter a plastic free city and are picking up plastic and rubbish during their training sessions. They are rowing for Surfers Against Sewage.


OAR INSPIRING – GB – GEORGE BLANDFORD (26), JUSTIN EVELEGH (32), TOBY THORP (25), CASPAR THORP (27). The team, which includes two brothers and two cousins, are planning on leaving a legacy for future teams by donating their boat to a team after the race, who otherwise would not be able to take part. They are rowing for Starlight Children’s Foundation.


DUTCH ATLANTIC 4 – NETHERLANDS – MARCEL ATES (58), ERIK KONING (51), DAVID DE BRUIJN (33), BART ADEMA (34). These experienced rowers have taken on challenges together before and want to break the record for the fastest Dutchmen to row the Atlantic. They are rowing for Kika and Precious Plastic.


MAD 4 WAVES – SOUTH AFRICA – GRANT SOLL (22), COLE BERNARD (22), LEE GORDON (22), MATTHEW BOYNTON (22). These sport loving friends attended school and university together and are looking to push themselves both mentally and physically in the race. They are rowing for Mad Leadership Foundation.


FIGHT OAR DIE – USA – ALEX EVANS (36), BEAU MAIER (36), BRYANT KNIGHT (49), CHRIS KUNTZ (50). These American army veterans want to prove to other ex-military people that anything is possible. They are rowing for Fight Oar Die Charity.


TEAM TYNE INNOVATION – GB – PHIL KITE (57), STEVE SIDAWAY (50), ALLAN HUNTLY (50), CLAIRE HUGHES (38). Based in the North East, the team want to raise awareness of the innovation generated in the region. They are rowing for Daft as a Brush and The Stroke Association.


ROW 4 VICTORY – GB – FRASER MOWLEM (41) GLYN SADLER (37) DUNCAN ROY (28), WILL QUARMBY (35). The team brings together a serving Royal Engineer, an ex-Royal Marine, a civilian and a serving Chief Technician in the Royal Air Force, as they row in the centenarian year of the end of WW1. They are rowing for The Royal British Legion and Soldier On!


ATLANTIC DISCOVERY – GB – JACK HOPKINS (25), BENJAMIN AJAYI-OBE (25), ISAAC KENYON (25), CAMERON PARKER (51). These seasoned adventurers already hold amongst them several rowing records, and are determined to break some race records. They are rowing for The MS Society and The Berkshire MS Therapy Centre.


ATLANTIC SEAMEN – GB – JONATHON DAVIES (43), ANDREW BERRY (49), ANDY GRANT (41), ALEX FAWCETT (40). The Cornish friends have a shared interest in taking on extraordinary challenges, with several endurance races and adventures already under their belts.  They are rowing for The Urology Foundation and Children’s Hospice Southwest.


HEADS TOGETHER AND ROW – GB – TOBY GOULD (39), ALISON WANELL (40), JEZ REYNOLDS (41), JUSTIN COLEMAN (53). Having all been affected by mental health in a range of different ways, the team are passionate about raising money and are rowing for Combat Stress and MIND.


ASTRO TO ATLANTIC – GB – HELEN SYMONS (33), CHLOE HARVEY (27), EMILY READ (21), LOUISE READ (50). After years of friendship on the hockey field as team mates, the foursome is taking on a challenge of a different kind. They are rowing for The Devon Air Ambulance.


ROW ROW ROW OUR BOAT – GB – ANDREW WILLIAMS (58), NICK WRIGHT (45), ANDY BURNS (33), JONNY BAYLEY (32). They are rowing for Over the Wall and Bosom Buddies Charities.


TEAM ANTIGUA ISLAND GIRLS – ANTIGUA - Kevinia Francis (40), Christal Clashing (29), Samara Emmanuel (32), Elvira Bell (37). They will be the first all-female team from Antigua to do the race, and will be rowing back home to Antigua. They will also be the first all-black team to complete the race. They are rowing for Cottage of Hope.




ROW 4 ALS – USA – TIM RYAN (52), ALAN ALDERMAN (57), TEDDY WALDO (30), DALE SMITH (62), BRIAN ARMSTRONG (36). Alan, who has been diagnosed with ALS, is taking on this adventure of a lifetime with four teammates and is rowing for Crowdcare, ALS Association, and ALS Clinic at the University of Utah.


NAUTI BUOYS – GB – MATTHIEU POUDEVIGNE (28), HECTOR STRICKLAND (27), NICHOLAS ROKOWSKI (28), PAUL HEEREMA (27), RORY ORMISTON (27). With a doctor, naval architect and ex-navy officer within the team, these sea-lovers are excited for the journey ahead. They are rowing for Cancer Research UK.


MEN OF OAR – GB/BELGIUM – ROBIN DRYSDALE (36), WILLIAM THEAKSTON (33), DAVID WALLIS (32), SAM BOLT-LAWRENCE (32) GUILLAUME VANDERWINDEN (29). Cancer survivor Robin is captaining this group of friends as they row to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK and Combat Stress.





The TALISKER distillery is battered by the elements on the windswept coast of the Isle of Skye and is one of the most remote distilleries in Scotland. It was founded in 1830 by Hugh and Kenneth MacAskill, and the distillery has been in near-constant operation ever since.


Talisker 10 year old, Talisker Skye and Talisker Storm are widely distributed while Talisker 18 year old, Talisker Distiller’s Edition and Talisker Port Ruighe can be found in specialist stores. See and for more information. The TALISKER, TALISKER STORM, TALISKER PORT RUIGHE, TALISKER SKYE words and associated logos are trademarks. © DIAGEO 2018.


Talisker 10 year old and Talisker Storm were recently awarded Double Gold at the 2018 San Francisco World Spirits Awards. Talisker 10 year old was also awarded Best In Category.


Talisker has a heritage rooted in adventure, in 1830 its founders the MacAskill brothers crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the Isle of Eigg to establish the TALISKER distillery on the shores of Loch Harport on the Isle of Skye. It has remained there ever since, producing consistently fine whiskies for almost 200 years.



Talisker 10 Years Old is much-loved with a smooth and smoky finish. Double distilled to create a rich, deep character embodying maritime characteristics of a coastal whisky, it is one of the most awarded Single Malt Scotch Whiskies in the world. This single malt has a sea-salty nose and famously rich and powerful peat-smoke flavour, leaving a warm peppery taste at the back of the mouth.



Talisker Skye pays homage to the Isle of Skye’s majestic landscape and coastline. The liquid has been made from a combination of hand selected toasted and refill American oak casks, that accentuate the sweet, citrus notes of Talisker. The result is a Talisker expression that opens with welcoming, smoky sweet notes, developing into deep maritime flavours and culminating in a powerful, spicy conclusion.



Talisker Storm is crafted to enhance the distillery’s signature smoky and briny flavours, Talisker Storm displays characteristics of the tempestuous seas of its home on the Isle of Skye. It is spicy on the nose, with a hint of struck matches, brine and an oily explosion of pepper. On the palate a deep, nutty smokiness is followed by a hit of wood and brine, finishing with a smooth aftertaste of peaty burnt embers.



Diageo is the world’s leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across spirits, beer and wine. These brands include Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, JeB, Buchanan’s and Windsor whiskies, Smirnoff, Ci^roc and Ketel One vodkas, Baileys, Captain Morgan, Tanqueray and Guinness.


Diageo is a global company, with its products sold in more than 180 countries around the world. The company is listed on both the New York Stock Exchange (DEO) and the London Stock Exchange (DGE). For more information about Diageo, its people, brands, and performance, visit us at For our global resource that promotes responsible drinking through the sharing of best practice tools, information and initiatives, visit

Celebrating life, every day, everywhere.



Atlantic Campaigns is the official race organiser and the company behind the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.  Without Atlantic Campaigns the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge would not be possible. Working alongside some of the planet’s best ocean rowing advisors, Atlantic Campaigns make dreams a reality and challenges conquerable.  The main goal for Atlantic Campaigns is to make The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge the best organised rowing event in the world. For more information please visit –



NEWS - Riparte la Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, la gara di canottaggio più dura al mondo

di Napoli Magazine

12/12/2024 - 18:04

Riparte la Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge,


la gara di canottaggio più dura al mondo.


88 spiriti audaci (di cui uno di origini italiane)


 attraversano l’Oceano Atlantico


mettendo a dura prova i limiti della resistenza umana


E’ partita oggi la nuova edizione della Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, la gara di canottaggio più dura al mondo. 23 equipaggi e 5 vogatori in solitaria provenienti da 12 paesi sono partiti da La Gomera, nelle isole Canarie, alla volta di Antigua, su una rotta di oltre 3.000 miglia in mezzo all’Oceano che cambierà per sempre le loro vite, mettendoli a dura prova nel superare i propri limiti e vincere la forza degli elementi. I team affronteranno la traversata più dura del mondo, imbarcandosi in un viaggio alla scoperta di se stessi e della libertà, dove il coraggio e lo spirito di adattamento saranno indispensabili.


Una sfida anche per gli animi più coraggiosi e indomiti la Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge, che richiama persone dai più disparati ambiti professionali e sociali (i vogatori non sono atleti professionisti) spingendole a esplorare la loro passione per l’ignoto e intraprendere una delle sfide più difficili in mezzo all’Oceano. Tutti i concorrenti dei 28 team, uomini e donne, daranno il massimo per entrare nella storia della competizione, tentando di seguire le orme dei Four Oarsmen, vincitori dell’edizione 2017 e attuali detentori del World Record con un incredibile tempo di 29 giorni di traversata.


Una competizione certo, con se stessi in primis e gli elementi, ma anche e soprattutto un’impresa benefica. Ogni team infatti partecipa facendosi portavoce e raccogliendo fondi per diversi istituti e cause sociali e ambientali. Tra i team partecipanti troviamo i Row for the Ocean, che stanno raccogliendo fondi per rendere la città di Exeter la prima città plastic-free del Regno Unito, riducendo fortemente il consumo di plastica monouso; una coppia danese, il team Wolfpack, sono invece due amici che hanno deciso di sfuggire alla monotonia della routine urbana, e che trasmetteranno in streaming la propria traversata; sarà presente anche il migliore team femminile di Antigua, le Antigua Island Girls; troviamo alla partenza anche The Blue Rower, che gareggerà in solitaria, sperando di essere il primo neozelandese di sempre ad attraversare l’Oceano Atlantico; e gli Oar Inspiring, dal Regno Unito, amici di una vita pronti ad affrontare l’oceano nella più difficile delle sfide, scambiando per l’occasione gli strumenti di lavoro quotidiani con remi e bussola.


Lungo le 3.000 miglia di traversata nell’Oceano Atlantico i concorrenti sfideranno tutte le insidie che il mare può offrire, passando da calamità come tempeste tropicali e onde di 12 metri al caldo più asfissiante: questo mare sarà la loro casa per almeno 30-90 giorni. La gara di quest’anno vede per la prima volta la partecipazione di un team composto da cinque persone, ma non mancheranno coppie, team da tre o quattro e persino concorrenti in solitaria, provenienti da ogni parte del globo.


 “Quest’anno la gara sarà più avvincente che mai, con un numero ancora maggiore di team e rematori ai nastri di partenza. Si tratta davvero di una competizione unica nel suo genere, una sfida che richiede disciplina, un duro allenamento e una lunghissima preparazione, ma chi partecipa è ripagato con un’esperienza che non scorderà mai. Per i rematori è un qualcosa di estremamente stimolante, un’avventura che arricchisce le loro vite e ci meravigliamo anno dopo anno nel vedere gli incredibili risultati dei team, non possiamo che sentirci privilegiati nel prender parte al loro viaggio.”, ha dichiarato Carsten Heron Olsen, CEO of race organiser Atlantic Campaigns.


Lisa Everingham, Global Talisker Marketing Manager, commenta: “La Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge è il posto giusto per quelli che definiamo Wild Spirits. Si tratta di sostenere e rivivere la passione e la connessione fortissima con gli elementi, un legame che Talisker condivide con queste persone fantastiche. Questa gara è davvero unica, spinge i partecipanti a spogliarsi delle vesti della vita frenetica di tutti i giorni, per riabbracciare la natura e riscoprire ciò che più conta. Siamo davvero elettrizzati e non vediamo l’ora di testimoniare i loro cambiamenti durante questo viaggio.”


La Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge è un’esperienza unica, che riesce a cambiare la vita delle persone che ne prendono parte. Alcuni dati significativi:

Distanza: 3,000 miglia dalle coste de La Gomera, Isole Canarie, attraverso l’Oceano Atlantico sino a English Harbour, Antigua

Numero di team: 28, con 88 rematori totali

Nazioni partecipanti: Regno Unito, Stati Uniti, Francia, Sud Africa, Olanda, Danimarca, Australia, Nuova Zelanda, Belgio, Bermuda & Antigua

Consumo calorico: 8,000 al giorno, perdita del 20% del peso corporeo durante la gara

Motivazioni: Ogni team raccoglierà i fondi da donare a favore di una causa, che li spronerà a proseguire l’avventura di una vita.   


Per seguire il viaggio dei concorrenti potete visitare il: a la pagina Facebook @atlanticcampaigns Facebook per aggiornamenti in tempo reale.







THE BLUE ROWER – NEW ZEALAND – ISAAC GIESEN (26). Isaac is looking to be the first New Zealander to row across the Atlantic as a soloist, and to be the first person to row the Atlantic twice in one year. He is rowing for Black Dog, Brave Hearts, and Victim Support.


ROW TO RAISE – GB – KELDA WOOD (45). This inspiring former Paralympian is continuing her action-packed life by taking on another adventure to add to her list of accomplishments. She is rowing for Climbing Out, a charity she set up herself after her own life changing injury.


DIFFERENT WORLDS – AUSTRALIA – MICHELLE LEE (46). She is looking to break the current record of the fastest female soloist to row the Atlantic, to add to her list of rowing World Records that she already holds.



THE WILD OARSMAN – AUSTRIA/ITALY/GB – LUKAS HAITZMANN (18). This young adventurer is no stranger to endurance races, and is looking to set new race and world records despite his young age.


TAME THE KRAKEN – USA – TIM CROCKETT (47). Soloist Tim is passionate about raising money and awareness for those suffering or effected by mental health issues. He is rowing for Give an Hour and Combat Stress.




WOLFPACK – DENMARK – LASSE HANSEN (31), MADS VANGSO (47). The dynamic duo and fitness enthusiasts are adding another adventure to their list as they attempt the Atlantic row. They are rowing for Unicef.


WHALE OF A TIME – GB – LAUREN WOODWISS (29) JEMMA RIX (29). The duo is aiming to break the current record for the fastest female pair to row the Atlantic. They are also planning on making as much of their own food for the crossing as possible. They are rowing for FareShare, The Mintridge Foundation and Cancer Research UK.


ATLANTIC ALBATROSS – GB – ELISABETH GILL (43), MARK AGNEW (27). The pair are supported by a class of Elizabeth’s pupils, who are creating all of their campaign assets ahead of the race.  They are rowing for Eikon, The RAF Benevolent Fund, Dyslexia Scotland and Whale and Dolphin Conservation.


GRANDADS ACROSS THE ATLANTIC – GB – NEIL YOUNG (61), PETER KETLEY (62). Ex-military men, the duo have been friends for nearly 40 years having both been in the Parachute regiment together as young men. They are rowing for Dreams come True and are attempting to be the oldest pair to ever cross the Atlantic.


AU LARGE - L’ATLANTIQUE EN SOLIDAIRE – FRANCE – NICOLAS SAINT-BRIS (33), GUILLAUME BARRAGE (27). Having competed in the French University Rowing Championship together, the firm friends are looking to make more memories on this adventure of a lifetime. They are rowing for L'École À L'Hopital.




STATUS ROW – GB/BERMUDA – SUSAN RONALDSON (42), CAROLINE WILSON (32), JESSICA REGO (29). Made up of three women with no prior rowing experience, they are powered by a belief that ordinary people can do extraordinary things and want to break the current record set for the fastest female trio crossing. They are rowing for The Marine Conservation Society.


TRANSATLANTIC TRAFFORDS – GB – HUGO TRAFFORD (22), JAMES TRAFFORD (59), JOE TRAFFORD (18). The team is made up of a father and his two sons who are looking to break a world record upon completing the race.  They are rowing for St Christopher’s Hospice.




ROW FOR THE OCEAN – GB – KIRSTY BARKER (28), KATE SALMON (31), ROSALIND WEST (36), LAURA TRY (36). The team are campaigning to make Exeter a plastic free city and are picking up plastic and rubbish during their training sessions. They are rowing for Surfers Against Sewage.


OAR INSPIRING – GB – GEORGE BLANDFORD (26), JUSTIN EVELEGH (32), TOBY THORP (25), CASPAR THORP (27). The team, which includes two brothers and two cousins, are planning on leaving a legacy for future teams by donating their boat to a team after the race, who otherwise would not be able to take part. They are rowing for Starlight Children’s Foundation.


DUTCH ATLANTIC 4 – NETHERLANDS – MARCEL ATES (58), ERIK KONING (51), DAVID DE BRUIJN (33), BART ADEMA (34). These experienced rowers have taken on challenges together before and want to break the record for the fastest Dutchmen to row the Atlantic. They are rowing for Kika and Precious Plastic.


MAD 4 WAVES – SOUTH AFRICA – GRANT SOLL (22), COLE BERNARD (22), LEE GORDON (22), MATTHEW BOYNTON (22). These sport loving friends attended school and university together and are looking to push themselves both mentally and physically in the race. They are rowing for Mad Leadership Foundation.


FIGHT OAR DIE – USA – ALEX EVANS (36), BEAU MAIER (36), BRYANT KNIGHT (49), CHRIS KUNTZ (50). These American army veterans want to prove to other ex-military people that anything is possible. They are rowing for Fight Oar Die Charity.


TEAM TYNE INNOVATION – GB – PHIL KITE (57), STEVE SIDAWAY (50), ALLAN HUNTLY (50), CLAIRE HUGHES (38). Based in the North East, the team want to raise awareness of the innovation generated in the region. They are rowing for Daft as a Brush and The Stroke Association.


ROW 4 VICTORY – GB – FRASER MOWLEM (41) GLYN SADLER (37) DUNCAN ROY (28), WILL QUARMBY (35). The team brings together a serving Royal Engineer, an ex-Royal Marine, a civilian and a serving Chief Technician in the Royal Air Force, as they row in the centenarian year of the end of WW1. They are rowing for The Royal British Legion and Soldier On!


ATLANTIC DISCOVERY – GB – JACK HOPKINS (25), BENJAMIN AJAYI-OBE (25), ISAAC KENYON (25), CAMERON PARKER (51). These seasoned adventurers already hold amongst them several rowing records, and are determined to break some race records. They are rowing for The MS Society and The Berkshire MS Therapy Centre.


ATLANTIC SEAMEN – GB – JONATHON DAVIES (43), ANDREW BERRY (49), ANDY GRANT (41), ALEX FAWCETT (40). The Cornish friends have a shared interest in taking on extraordinary challenges, with several endurance races and adventures already under their belts.  They are rowing for The Urology Foundation and Children’s Hospice Southwest.


HEADS TOGETHER AND ROW – GB – TOBY GOULD (39), ALISON WANELL (40), JEZ REYNOLDS (41), JUSTIN COLEMAN (53). Having all been affected by mental health in a range of different ways, the team are passionate about raising money and are rowing for Combat Stress and MIND.


ASTRO TO ATLANTIC – GB – HELEN SYMONS (33), CHLOE HARVEY (27), EMILY READ (21), LOUISE READ (50). After years of friendship on the hockey field as team mates, the foursome is taking on a challenge of a different kind. They are rowing for The Devon Air Ambulance.


ROW ROW ROW OUR BOAT – GB – ANDREW WILLIAMS (58), NICK WRIGHT (45), ANDY BURNS (33), JONNY BAYLEY (32). They are rowing for Over the Wall and Bosom Buddies Charities.


TEAM ANTIGUA ISLAND GIRLS – ANTIGUA - Kevinia Francis (40), Christal Clashing (29), Samara Emmanuel (32), Elvira Bell (37). They will be the first all-female team from Antigua to do the race, and will be rowing back home to Antigua. They will also be the first all-black team to complete the race. They are rowing for Cottage of Hope.




ROW 4 ALS – USA – TIM RYAN (52), ALAN ALDERMAN (57), TEDDY WALDO (30), DALE SMITH (62), BRIAN ARMSTRONG (36). Alan, who has been diagnosed with ALS, is taking on this adventure of a lifetime with four teammates and is rowing for Crowdcare, ALS Association, and ALS Clinic at the University of Utah.


NAUTI BUOYS – GB – MATTHIEU POUDEVIGNE (28), HECTOR STRICKLAND (27), NICHOLAS ROKOWSKI (28), PAUL HEEREMA (27), RORY ORMISTON (27). With a doctor, naval architect and ex-navy officer within the team, these sea-lovers are excited for the journey ahead. They are rowing for Cancer Research UK.


MEN OF OAR – GB/BELGIUM – ROBIN DRYSDALE (36), WILLIAM THEAKSTON (33), DAVID WALLIS (32), SAM BOLT-LAWRENCE (32) GUILLAUME VANDERWINDEN (29). Cancer survivor Robin is captaining this group of friends as they row to raise money for Bowel Cancer UK and Combat Stress.





The TALISKER distillery is battered by the elements on the windswept coast of the Isle of Skye and is one of the most remote distilleries in Scotland. It was founded in 1830 by Hugh and Kenneth MacAskill, and the distillery has been in near-constant operation ever since.


Talisker 10 year old, Talisker Skye and Talisker Storm are widely distributed while Talisker 18 year old, Talisker Distiller’s Edition and Talisker Port Ruighe can be found in specialist stores. See and for more information. The TALISKER, TALISKER STORM, TALISKER PORT RUIGHE, TALISKER SKYE words and associated logos are trademarks. © DIAGEO 2018.


Talisker 10 year old and Talisker Storm were recently awarded Double Gold at the 2018 San Francisco World Spirits Awards. Talisker 10 year old was also awarded Best In Category.


Talisker has a heritage rooted in adventure, in 1830 its founders the MacAskill brothers crossed the Atlantic Ocean from the Isle of Eigg to establish the TALISKER distillery on the shores of Loch Harport on the Isle of Skye. It has remained there ever since, producing consistently fine whiskies for almost 200 years.



Talisker 10 Years Old is much-loved with a smooth and smoky finish. Double distilled to create a rich, deep character embodying maritime characteristics of a coastal whisky, it is one of the most awarded Single Malt Scotch Whiskies in the world. This single malt has a sea-salty nose and famously rich and powerful peat-smoke flavour, leaving a warm peppery taste at the back of the mouth.



Talisker Skye pays homage to the Isle of Skye’s majestic landscape and coastline. The liquid has been made from a combination of hand selected toasted and refill American oak casks, that accentuate the sweet, citrus notes of Talisker. The result is a Talisker expression that opens with welcoming, smoky sweet notes, developing into deep maritime flavours and culminating in a powerful, spicy conclusion.



Talisker Storm is crafted to enhance the distillery’s signature smoky and briny flavours, Talisker Storm displays characteristics of the tempestuous seas of its home on the Isle of Skye. It is spicy on the nose, with a hint of struck matches, brine and an oily explosion of pepper. On the palate a deep, nutty smokiness is followed by a hit of wood and brine, finishing with a smooth aftertaste of peaty burnt embers.



Diageo is the world’s leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across spirits, beer and wine. These brands include Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, JeB, Buchanan’s and Windsor whiskies, Smirnoff, Ci^roc and Ketel One vodkas, Baileys, Captain Morgan, Tanqueray and Guinness.


Diageo is a global company, with its products sold in more than 180 countries around the world. The company is listed on both the New York Stock Exchange (DEO) and the London Stock Exchange (DGE). For more information about Diageo, its people, brands, and performance, visit us at For our global resource that promotes responsible drinking through the sharing of best practice tools, information and initiatives, visit

Celebrating life, every day, everywhere.



Atlantic Campaigns is the official race organiser and the company behind the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge.  Without Atlantic Campaigns the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge would not be possible. Working alongside some of the planet’s best ocean rowing advisors, Atlantic Campaigns make dreams a reality and challenges conquerable.  The main goal for Atlantic Campaigns is to make The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge the best organised rowing event in the world. For more information please visit –